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How to Save Your System from an HVAC Shortage This Year

Honest, Trustworthy & Experienced

Be Proactive and Prevent HVAC Troubles with These Simple Steps

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected many parts of our lives, and these changes include the way our HVAC systems are running. Although this might not be the first challenge you imagine when you think of the pandemic, we have seen a significant shortage in the availability of HVAC equipment needed to replace our customers’ systems, and we want to prepare you for this possibility.

When it comes to preparing for this type of shortage, the best plan of action is simply to be proactive. This means stocking up on your essential HVAC components. We have a limited amount of control over what the suppliers have in stock, so inquiring sooner rather than later will help you get the supplies you need. Summers in California are hot enough on their own, and the last thing you want is to be low on the HVAC supplies you need to keep your home cool and comfortable.

If you suspect that you will need air conditioning equipment this summer, we recommend reaching out as soon as possible. This will save you from falling into a situation where the manufacturers are low the equipment you need. Not only will this keep you comfortable, but it will save you money in the long run. This is because the pricing of HVAC equipment and services fluctuate based on what the manufacturer determines.

Due to the increased demand and the need to employ more workers to create the equipment, manufacturers have increased their prices three times this year. Unfortunately, these price increases are not expected to drop, so scheduling services soon will be to your benefit. At TriCounty Services, our friendly and experienced team is happy to help you prevent problems, save money, and stay comfortable all year long.

Please note that TriCounty’s estimates are no longer valid for 30 days as the system shortage causes prices to change frequently and unexpectedly. For this reason, we can no longer guarantee a price of a service this far in advance, but we will always accommodate your needs and make sure your value is being delivered.

Why Is COVID-19 Causing HVAC System Shortages?

We know that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused frustrations in many areas of our lives, but our team will do our best to make sure your HVAC system is not one of these areas. The reason this shortage is happening can be attributed to a variety of factors. First and foremost, the stay-at-home orders caused a 30-60% increase in business from the summer months of 2020.

Not every manufacturer was prepared for this increase, so suppliers were forced to act quickly. This opened up the possibility for them to be short on the HVAC equipment. Because of this, homeowners were not able to stock up on the supplies they needed, so we saw a shortage of some of the most popular sizes of equipment. This was a major issue because there are so many parts that go into an HVAC system, and without one of them, the whole system can fail. TriCounty Services would like to save as many members of our community from falling into this situation as we can.

To prevent HVAC system shortages from impacting your home, call TriCounty Services at (805) 500-2944 or contact us online.
